Child Behavioral Services

Every child can learn the strategies and behaviors to negotiate daily interactions and build relationships.

Behavioral Programs Based on Your Child's Needs

Child-Based Programs

WE DO NOT HAVE A COOKIE-CUTTER PROGRAM! We tailor every program to meet the needs of the family and build on the strengths of each child.


We offer a full range of services designed to help children who struggle due to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or other behavioral disabilities.

to All

All locations are accessible, and staff can accommodate verbal, sign, and picture-based communication systems. Children do not have to be potty trained to participate in therapy.

A child with autism or any other behavioral disability needs extra support from the entire family. PlayDate Behavioral Interventions provides a range of services designed to help families meet those needs, including both in-home and on-site respite care. We also provide opportunities for parents to learn how to help their children acquire key skills and manage their behavior. Our staff also focuses on the coordination of care by developing relationships with the school and other therapeutic providers in the child’s life.

Early Intervention Program (EI)

We develop, implement, and monitor personalized ABA treatment plans for children between the ages of 3 and 6 who are either suspected of having or are at risk for developmental delays or disabilities.

Our EI services are derived from evidence-based practices, published research, and early childhood clinical judgment that will increase the awareness and knowledge of families and caregivers.

Early Intervention Therapy sessions typically occur in the home and involve a high degree of parent training to increase desired behaviors while strengthening the child’s communication skills, appropriate play skills, and social interactions.

EI is important for enhancing the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities. It is especially crucial in determining the language, social, and behavioral outcomes of very young children with ASD and other disabilities. We believe, and research confirms, that early intervention services can reduce the need for intensive long-term therapies.

Individual ABA Therapy

Our qualified staff specializes in ABA Therapy and works one-on-one with children from birth to 18 years old to develop skills such as:

  • Managing physical and verbal aggression
  • Decreasing self-injurious behavior
  • Increasing communication skills
  • Completing activities of daily living (ADLs)
  • Maintaining personal hygiene
  • Improving prevocational and vocational tasks

Individual goals are developed for each child across all domains, including behavior, communication, academics, and social.

Social Skills ABA Therapy

While social skills are typically one component of an overall individualized program, some clients do receive all their therapy in the group setting. We offer a range of group ABA therapy for children of all ages, from toddlers through high school. These groups provide opportunities to interact with other children, learn critical social skills, and just have fun.

PlayDate Behavioral Interventions social skills groups provide:

  • Intense practice with one-to-one socialization
  • Opportunities for observational learning and generalization
  • Opportunities for learning new information in a small group.

Most importantly, a social skills group gives children the opportunity to make friends!

Children have an opportunity to practice and generalize skills when they attend outings in the community accompanied by their therapist. The therapist can also support children while they attend community activities such as scout meetings, haircuts, extended family dinners, or team sports.

Early Intervention (EI) Group

Alongside their therapy sessions, this group is for children of all functioning levels aged 0-6 years old. The EI group works on toileting, skills to prepare for school and many more. The group goes out several times per month for outings such as circle time events in the community (Garden of the Gods, Library, etc.).

Elementary/Tween Group

The elementary/tween group is for children of all levels, aged 7-13 years old. This group works on peer interactions, school skills, as well as a variety of different activities. The elementary/tween group also goes on several outings to practice their skills in the community.

Teen Group

This group is for high functioning teens, 13-17 years old. The teens meet several times per month for outings such as movies, bowling, roller skating, mini-golf, hiking, and indoor rock climbing, as well as vocational training and social skills. This group provides social opportunities for teens to become comfortable in group settings and develop friendships.


Respite level therapeutic care is the pro­vi­sion of short-term, temporary relief to those car­ing for children with disabilities who cannot be prop­erly super­vised by a babysitter, neigh­bor, or in other tra­di­tional settings.

Our pro­gram pro­vides breaks for families and other care­givers in order to support and maintain the primary care­giving rela­tion­ship. Respite care also pro­vides a social expe­ri­ence for the child receiv­ing care through positive inter­ac­tions with trained staff. Though no spe­cific skills are taught dur­ing respite, trained staff ensure current skills are maintained and devel­op­ing skills are supported. Staff members also provide an enriched envi­ron­ment to minimize aggres­sive and self-stimulatory behaviors.

Respite can be pro­vided in the home, at our cen­ter, and in the community. This is a great oppor­tu­nity to expand and intro­duce leisure skills such as going to the movies, eat­ing at a restau­rant, or par­tic­i­pat­ing in phys­i­cal activities.

Even though many families find great joy in pro­vid­ing care for their loved ones, the phys­i­cal, emotional, and financial costs on the family can be over­whelm­ing without support. Respite pro­vides the needed tem­po­rary break from the exhaust­ing chal­lenges faced by the family. It also pro­vides primary care­givers with the oppor­tu­nity to complete routine tasks nec­es­sary to main­tain the family and to spend time with other children in the family.

With­out respite, not only can fam­i­lies suffer eco­nom­i­cally and emotionally, but care­givers themselves may face serious health and social risks as a result of stress asso­ci­ated with con­tin­u­ous care giving.

Respite has been shown to help sustain family care­giver health and well­be­ing, avoid or delay out-of-home placements, and reduce the like­li­hood of abuse and neglect. Recent stud­ies also show that respite may also reduce the like­li­hood of divorce and help sustain marriages. Some families have a standing schedule of respite care, while others choose to schedule as needed. Whichever you choose, our 24hr respite line provides families with access when it's needed.

Extended School Year (ESY)

This program provides 16 hours of intervention per week for 8 weeks during the summer for students who need structured teaching when school is out. The intensive therapy is provided in both 1:1 and group settings. Individual goals are developed for each student in order to address needs across all developmental domains, including language, behavior, and social skills. Current IEP goals can also be used. Therapy is provided by trained staff using research-based methods proven to be most effective for children with autism.


The teaching methods used to deliver services are based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and have proven effective in scientific evaluation. Services are data-based to achieve the greatest effectiveness. Data are evaluated regularly to make any instructional changes necessary to ensure each learner is making progress. In addition to receiving therapy at the Center and in-home, parents and students participate in community outings to ensure the generalization of skills.

School Consultant and Training for Professionals

This program aims to provide training and professional development to teachers, SLPs, OTs, para-professionals, and administrators regarding children with disabilities. Topics often include, but are not limited to:

  • ABA
  • Managing aggression
  • Increasing communication
  • Errorless learning
  • Prompting and fading

Our professional team is available for group trainings on a variety of topics as well as consultations for specific students that may be struggling in the classroom environment. We work with schools to develop effective programs to meet the needs of their unique student population.

Educational Placement

We believe the school setting is the best placement for children. However, when an alternative placement is deemed necessary and appropriate, our Center and professional team, including Special Education teacher, offers the perfect learning environment for students who need to meet specific goals before returning to the school setting.

An individual program is developed for each student based on IEP and assessment goals with access to a variety of highly trained staff. Half-day and full-day programs are available with transportation and lunch/snacks included.